Pleased with their products and customer service was very patient when I had questions.
Great replacement Part
I am amazed at how much better these feel than the worn out ones that had been on our device for the past 7 years. They were simple to install and are working great.
Pro Fitter
As a experienced user of the Fitter (I used to sell this fitness item here in England) I would recommend the product to everyone whe wants to keep fit,and active in a functional way, especially if you find keeping fit either boring or time consuming. Fitter challenges balance and coordination with muscle strength. There is no other item of equipment that combines all these in a single item. The fact all the parts are replaceable means your investment will never get thrown out. Everyone enjoys the Fitter challenge. Go ahead and enjoy the fun.
Bill ToussInt
Tension cord replacements
Just received my new cords. The originals lasted for many years, but eventually wore out. Nice to have more tension as it makes for a better workout.