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In a Flow State: A Simple Way to Enhance Blood Flow for Your Best Functioning

July 11, 2023 5 min read

In a Flow State: A Simple Way to Enhance Blood Flow for Your Best Functioning

FitFoot is an innovative and versatile exercise device designed to promote lower extremity health and enhance overall fitness.  FitFoot's compact design allows for easy portability, making it suitable for use in various settings, including homes, offices, or even while traveling. With its user-friendly interface, FitFoot is designed for ease of use, allowing individuals of different fitness levels and abilities to benefit from its ability to enhance blood flow to the lower limb. 

Moreover, FitFoot offers the flexibility to adjust the amount of resistance it provides by changing the elastics, thus catering to individual preferences and fitness goals. By simply modifying the resistance level, users can tailor their workout intensity to suit their specific needs, whether they are aiming for gentle rehabilitation exercises or more challenging strength training sessions. 

With FitFoot, you can achieve a convenient and personalized exercise routine that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and your specific needs.  There are a multitude of different conditions that can impact the heart, brain, legs, and skin if there isn't enough blood flow in the lower limb.  This could be due to a blockage, like a clot, or if the diameter of the vessels and veins isn't wide enough to allow for enough blood or too much blood flow.  Additionally, it could be an elasticity or recoil issue. This does not cover all of the possible contributors to issues with blood flow in the lower limb; each individual is unique and, as such, will have specific factors that are unique to them as an individual.   


While Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is commonly associated with sedentary lifestyles and prolonged periods of inactivity, there is evidence to suggest that endurance athletes, including long-distance runners, are also at risk (Hadfield, 2020). Intense physical exertion can lead to changes in blood flow and clotting factors, potentially increasing the likelihood of clot formation in the deep veins of the legs. FitFoot may offer benefits to runners by reducing the risk of DVT, especially if flying after an event (Hadfield, 2020). By incorporating FitFoot into their training regimen, runners can engage in low-impact exercise sessions that promote blood flow and reduce venous stasis. FitFoot's rhythmic movements stimulate the calf muscles, acting as a "second heart" to enhance venous return. This can help prevent blood pooling and clot formation, reducing the risk of DVT. 

Conditions other than DVT that may benefit from FitFoot could include: 

Ischemic Ulcers: FitFoot can assist in the management of ischemic ulcers by promoting blood circulation to the lower limbs. Regular use of FitFoot's exercise programs, which involve gentle movements of the legs and feet, can help stimulate blood flow and improve oxygen and nutrient delivery to the affected areas. This can contribute to wound healing, reduce the risk of infection, and alleviate symptoms associated with ischemic ulcers (“The Symptoms and Treatment Options for Ischemic Ulcers,” 2023).

Acrocyanosis: Acrocyanosis is characterized by persistent blue discoloration of the extremities due to reduced blood flow (Das & Maiti, 2013). While FitFoot may not directly treat the underlying causes, regular use of FitFoot's exercises may help stimulate blood flow, promote vasodilation, and potentially improve symptoms of acrocyanosis. It may also help maintain overall foot health and temperature regulation.

Stasis Dermatitis: FitFoot can be beneficial for individuals with stasis dermatitis by promoting blood circulation and reducing stasis in the lower limbs (“Stasis Dermatitis: Treatment, Symptoms, and Causes | Mount Sinai, New York,” 2023). The gentle exercises offered by FitFoot may help stimulate calf muscle contractions, enhance venous return, and improve the overall vascular health of the legs. This may help reduce swelling, inflammation, and the associated symptoms of stasis dermatitis.

Atrophie Blanche: FitFoot's ability to promote blood flow and enhance tissue health can be advantageous for individuals with atrophie blanche (“Atrophie Blanche,” 2023). Regular use of FitFoot's exercises may contribute to improved circulation, potentially reducing the appearance of white scar-like areas. It can also help maintain the overall health of the lower limbs and support the management of underlying vascular conditions.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): FitFoot can assist in managing the symptoms of PAD by promoting blood circulation and improving arterial flow to the legs (“Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Symptoms and Causes,” 2022). Gentle, low-impact exercise programs, such as walking or cycling, can help increase collateral circulation and improve the functional capacity of the leg muscles. Regular use of FitFoot may alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with intermittent claudication, allowing individuals with PAD to engage in physical activity and improve their overall cardiovascular health (“Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Symptoms and Causes,” 2022).

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI): FitFoot may be beneficial for individuals with CVI by aiding in the reduction of leg swelling and promoting venous return (Dumain, 2022). The rhythmic movements of FitFoot's exercise routines help stimulate the calf muscles, which act as a "second heart" to pump blood back to the heart. By enhancing muscle contractions and improving circulation, FitFoot may alleviate the symptoms of CVI, such as leg heaviness, aching, and swelling (Dumain, 2022).

Arterial Insufficiency Ulcers: FitFoot can aid in the management of arterial insufficiency ulcers by promoting blood flow to the lower extremities (Luo, 2018). Regular use of FitFoot's exercise programs can help enhance arterial circulation and increase oxygen and nutrient supply to the affected areas, which are crucial for wound healing. It may also help reduce pain and promote tissue repair in individuals with arterial insufficiency ulcers, complementing other wound care measures and treatment approaches (Luo, 2018).

Raynaud's Phenomenon: While FitFoot cannot directly address the underlying vasospasm associated with Raynaud's Phenomenon, it may help promote overall circulation and provide relief during episodes (“Raynaud’s Phenomenon,” 2021). The gentle movements and exercise routines provided by FitFoot can help enhance blood flow to the extremities, potentially mitigating the severity and duration of attacks. Additionally, maintaining warm and comfortable conditions while using FitFoot can contribute to overall comfort and well-being during Raynaud's episodes (“Raynaud’s Phenomenon,” 2021).

Buerger's Disease: FitFoot may have limited direct impact on the specific symptoms of Buerger's Disease. However, maintaining overall leg health and promoting blood circulation can play a supportive role in managing the condition (Ratini, 2022). Regular use of FitFoot's exercise programs can help stimulate blood flow, potentially reducing pain and inflammation and promoting tissue health. It is important for individuals with Buerger's Disease to work closely with their healthcare provider for comprehensive management, including smoking cessation (a key factor in the disease) and other targeted therapies (Ratini, 2022).

Please note that while FitFoot may provide potential benefits for these conditions, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the suitability of using FitFoot in your specific situation and to receive a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs by your health care providers.


Atrophie Blanche (2023) Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.aocd.org/page/AtrophieBlanche

Das & Maiti (2013), Acrocyanosis: An Overview,Indian Journal of Dermatology,58(6), 417–420. https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5154.119946


Dumain (2022, November 19). Chronic Venous Insufficiency: What to Know Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.webmd.com/dvt/dvt-venous-insufficiency

Hadfield (2020, August 27). Athletes May Be at greater risk for Blood Clots Than the Rest of the Population. Retrieved July 8, 2023, from https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a20785651/runners-and-blood-clots-what-you-need-to-know/

Luo (2018, September 29). Arterial vs. Venous Ulcers: Diagnosis, Treatment, Symptoms, and More Retrieved July 10, 2023, from https://www.healthline.com/health/arterial-vs-venous-ulcers

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) - Symptoms and Causes. (2022, June 21). Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-artery-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20350557

Raynaud’s Phenomenon. (2021, August 8). Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/Raynauds-phenomenon

Ratini (2022, February 25). Buerger’s Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans) Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-buergers-disease

Stasis Dermatitis: Treatment, Symptoms, and Causes Mount Sinai, New York (2023) Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://www.mountsinai.org/care/dermatology/services/eczema/stasis-dermatitis

The Symptoms and Treatment Options for Ischemic Ulcers (2023) Retrieved July 9, 2023, from https://alliancevascularcare.com/symptoms/ischemic-ulcers/